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Rules and Standards

Below are the modified Laws of the Game used by Thunder Mountain United SC.  The types of games we play are referred to as "Small Sided Games".   This means we are not playing 11 v 11 in each age division.  Each division has team size, field size and rules set based on the player's age and assumed skill levels. These modified rules help to teach children the rules, structure and skills in an age appropriate way.  Small sided games increases the amount of time players are playing and increases the number of contacts each child has with the ball.  

If you are coaching please familiarize yourself with the small sided standards for your division. 




FIELD:             25 YARDS (L) X 15 YARDS (W)    
                        Goals are no larger than 4 FT (H) x 6 FT (W)
                        Corner flags are not needed but may be used


GAMES:          3 v 3   NO GOALIES
                        Size 3 Ball
                        Four 8 minute quarters
                        2 minute breaks between quarters and a 5 minute half time
                        Shin guards are required.

                        Substitutions are unlimited and can occur at any time
                        Players must be given the opportunity to play at least 50% of the game
                        Kick offs, indirect kicks, goal kicks and corner kicks are used to start or restart play
                        In place of throw-ins, kick-ins and/or dribble-ins are acceptable
                        Goal kicks and corner kicks should be taken in the general vicinity of the respective goal or corner
                        All free kicks are indirect  
                        Opponents should be 10 feet away from the ball on all restarts

                        No offside and no deliberate heading is allowed

                        Registered and certified referees are not needed at this level
                        A parent volunteer acts as a referee and uses these standards of play and their best judgement
                        Together, coaches and parents are expected to create and promote a fun and safe environment for the players.

Download the PDF rules version here:  U5 SMALL SIDED STANDARDS





FIELD:          30 YARDS (L) X 20 YARDS (W)    
                        Goals are no larger than 4 FT (H) x 6 FT (W)
                        Corner flags are not needed but may be used


GAMES:          4 v 4   NO GOALIES
                        Size 3 Ball
                        Four 8 minute quarters
                        2 minute breaks between quarters and a 5 minute half time
                        Shin guards are required.

                        Substitutions are unlimited and can occur at any time
                        Players must be given the opportunity to play at least 50% of the game
                        Kick offs, throw-ins, indirect kicks, goal kicks and corner kicks are used to start or restart play
                        Goal kicks and corner kicks should be taken in the general vicinity of the respective goal or corner
                        All free kicks are indirect  
                        Opponents should be 10 feet away from the ball on all restarts

                        No offside and no deliberate heading is allowed
                        Registered and certified referees are not needed at this level
                        A parent volunteer acts as a referee and uses these standards of play and their best judgement
                        Together, coaches and parents are expected to create and promote a fun and safe environment for the players.

Download the PDF rules version here:  U6 SMALL SIDED STANDARDS



FIELD:                 35 YARDS (L) X 25 YARDS (W)    

                        Goals are no larger than 4 FT (H) x 6 FT (W)
                        Corner flags are not needed but may be used


GAMES:          4 v 4   NO GOALIES
                        Size 3 Ball
                        Four 8 minute quarters
                        2 minute breaks between quarters and a 5 minute half time
                        Shin guards are required.

                        Substitutions are unlimited and can occur at any time
                        Players must be given the opportunity to play at least 50% of the game
                        Kick offs, throw-ins, indirect kicks, goal kicks and corner kicks are used to start or restart play
                        Goal kicks and corner kicks should be taken in the general vicinity of the respective goal or corner
                        All free kicks are indirect  
                        Opponents should be 10 feet away from the ball on all restarts

                        No offside and no deliberate heading is allowed
                        Registered and certified referees are not needed at this level
                        A parent volunteer acts as a referee and uses these standards of play and their best judgement
                        Together, coaches and parents are expected to create and promote a fun and safe environment for the players.

Download the PDF rules version here:  U8 SMALL SIDED STANDARDS



            65 YARDS (L) X 45 YARDS (W)   

                        Recommended goal size:  6.5 FT (H) x  12 FT (W) but can be no larger than 6.5 FT (H) x 18.5 FT (W)
                        Build out lines should be equidistant between the penalty area line and halfway line


GAMES:          7 v 7   (6 field players and 1 goalkeeper) Minimum of 5
                        Two 25 minute halves and a 5 minute half time  (referee may not add time)

                        Size 4 ball
                        Shin guards are required.

                        Substitutions are unlimited and can occur at any stoppage with refs permission, incoming subs must be at half-way line.
                        Players must be given the opportunity to play at least 50% of the game
                        Kick offs, throw-ins, direct and indirect kicks, goal kicks and corner kicks and penalty kicks are used to start or restart play.
                        Goal kicks are taken anywhere within the goal area and corner kicks are taken from the corner arc.
                         Opponents should be 8 yards away from the ball on all restarts

                        No deliberate heading is allowed- if heading occurs the referee shall award an indirect free kick to the opposing team.  If heading  
                       occurs within the penalty area, the referee shall move the ball outside the penalty area and award an indirect free kick to the
                       opposing team

       When the goalkeeper has the ball, either during play or from a goal kick, the opposing team must move behind the build out line
 until the ball is in play.                          

                       Once the opposing team is behind the build out line, the goalkeeper can pass, throw, or roll the ball into play (PUNTING IS NOT
                       ALLOWED). If the goalkeeper punts the ball, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the
                       offense.  If the punt occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at 
                       the nearest point to where the infringement occurred.

                      After the ball is put into play by the goalkeeper, the opposing team can cross the build out line and play resumes as normal.  The ball 
                      is considered “in play” when it leaves the goalkeepers hands or the goalkeeper kicks it and it clearly moves.
                      Modified offside offenses will be called.  The build out line will also be used to denote where the offenses can be called. Players
                      cannot be penalized for an offside offense between the halfway line and the build out line.


                      A minimum certification as a U.S. Soccer Grade 9 Referee is required
                      Two parent volunteers act as assistant referees to the Certified Referee
                      Together, coaches and parents are expected to create and promote a fun and safe environment for the players.

Download the PDF rules version here:  U10 SMALL SIDED RULES


FIELD:            75 YARDS (L) X 50 YARDS (W)   

                        Recommended goal size:  6.5 FT (H) x  18.5 FT (W) but can be no larger than 7 FT (H) x 21 FT (W)


GAMES:          9 v 9   (8 field players and 1 goalkeeper) minimum of 6
                        Two 30 minute halves and a 5 minute half time (referee may not add time)
                        Size 4 ball
                        Substitutions are unlimited and can occur at any stoppage with referees permission, incoming sub's must be at the half-way line
                        Players must be given the opportunity to play at least 50% of the game
                         Intentional heading is allowed.
                         Except for the modifications listed on this document all other Standard Laws of the Game apply         

                         A minimum certification as a U.S. Soccer Grade 9 Referee is required
                        Two parent volunteers may act as assistant referees if certified assistant referees are not able to be had
                        Together, coaches and parents are expected to create and promote a fun and safe environment for the players.

Download the PDF rules version here:   U12 SMALL SIDED RULES




FIELD:             75 YARDS (L) X 50 YARDS (W)   
                        Recommended goal size:  6.5 FT (H) x  18.5 FT (W) but can be no larger than 7 FT (H) x 21 FT (W)

GAMES:          11 v 11   (10 field players and 1 goalkeeper) minimum of 7
                        Two 35 minute halves and a 5 minute half time (referee may not add time)
                        Size 5 ball
                        Substitutions are unlimited and can occur at any stoppage with ref's permission, incoming sub's must be at the half-way line
                        Players must be given the opportunity to play at least 50% of the game
                        Intentional heading is allowed.
                        Except for the modifications listed on this document all other Standard Laws of the Game apply         

                        A minimum certification as a U.S. Soccer Grade 9 Referee is required
                        Two parent volunteers may act as assistant referees if certified assistant referees are not able to be had
                       Together, coaches and parents are expected to create and promote a fun and safe environment for the players.


Download the PDF rules version here:  U15 SMALL SIDED RULES Small sided rules in this PDF do not apply to us at this time. (2/22/23)


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